Adirondack Acres W2CJS weather, current temp 26.8 °F

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NWS Alerts:

 Latitude N 43° 58' 44"    Longitude W 74° 26' 03"    Elevation 1653 ft

Dawn: 06:47 Sunrise: 07:20 Moonrise: 12:27 Moon
Dusk: 16:52 Sunset:  16:19 Moonset: -----
Daylight: 10:05 Day length: 08:59 Moon Phase: First Quarter

Welcome to Adirondack Acres Weather Station in Long Lake, NY.

The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro2, and these pages are updated every 10 minutes. This web page will automatically refresh every 3 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at midnight. This weather data is published to Northeastern Weather Network, Weather Underground, CWOP, Weather For You, WOW, and PWS Weather.

Forecast: Increasing clouds and cooler. Precipitation possible within 6 hours. Windy with possible wind shift to the W, NW, or N.

Regional Radar
Local Radar
Conditions at local time 02:00 on 08 December 2024
Temperature and Humidity
Temperature 26.8 °F Dew Point 24.8 °F
Windchill 26.8 °F Humidity 92%
Heat Index 26.8 °F Apparent Temperature 21.2 °F
Solar Radiation 0 W/m² Evapotranspiration Today 0.000 in
THW Index 0.0 Temp change last hour +0.2 °F
Rainfall Today 0.00 in Rainfall Rate 0.00 in/hr
Rainfall This Month 0.00 in Rainfall This Year 27.48 in
Rainfall Last Hour 0.00 in Last rainfall 2024-11-27 04:06
Rainfall Since Midnight 0.00 in Rainfall Last 24 Hours 0.00 in
Wind Speed (gust) 7.0 mph Wind Speed (avg) 2.0 mph
Wind Bearing 226° SW Beaufort F1 Light air
Wind Variation (last 10 minutes) From 207° To 253°    
High gust 9.0 mph at 00:23 Wind Chill 26.8
Barometer  29.660 in Falling quickly -0.037 in/hr

Solar data

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Never base important decisions on this weather information. This site is provided as a courtesy for locals, visitors and other weather enthusiasts only.

Page updated 12/8/2024 2:00:00 AM
powered by CumulusMX v3.9.1 (3096)